Beneath the speculative value of any company lies its real worth, based on the value it delivers to people it touches. As long as these foundations are strong, I guess it will be able to survive the bloodbath. While it is true that the prevailing conditions will pull even the strong ones down, persistence will pull them through sooner or later.
It is important for all leaders to now focus on shedding their flab and concentrate on sharpening their cutting edges. If possible - spread a little cheer around. Even 'recession' is a matter of the mind, if you don't mind it does not matter. If there is a collective decision to beat it, we should be able to beat it.
To all who have lost a lot the past few weeks, as difficult as it might sound - let go completely or hold on blindly. The few fleeting moments in our life are too precious to be wasted on whats past! Dream on!
Your mind is your greatest enemy (http://totheself.blogspot.com/2007/10/mind-is-enemy.html)
Speculation is a mind game. A real business is all about delivering simple solutions to everyday needs. Plain logic,and nothing to speculate about. Best summed up by Warren Buffet on his investment in Wrigley: "I don't think the Internet is going to change how people chew gum."
Very True. Though ironically, that makes Warren Buffet the best speculator :)
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