Thursday, November 16, 2017

7 Post-it notes for entrepreneurs

Free, unadulterated, unsolicited, self-explanatory compilation of advises from the side-lines.
Yes, we’ve all known these all along, but still… :)
Why 7? Because 42 ;)

“Scale is over-rated, profitability is under-rated”

“Survive long enough and you will arrive soon enough”

“Your enterprise will most likey die due to the same mistakes that others did”
a.k.a. If you see a banana peel, just don’t step on it

“Get the smallest, able, agile and committed team and aim for the largest, achievable and sell-able goal”

“Net-satisfaction, net-happiness, net-worth, all are important”

“Work smart not hard/ get a life. Help others. Be kind. Stay humble”
There was a reason why mama taught these virtues :)

“You can do it :)”

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