Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bokode arrives! Move aside RFID, Goodbye BarCodes

This is super-duper cool! Every once in a while comes along an invention so simple yet so elegant that it literally melts the innovator in you :)

Bokode = some id printed on paper + a small plastic lens blob.

The word Bokode was derived from 'bokeh' (jap.),".. which refers to the round blob produced in an out-of-focus image of a light source"

I guess it would look like a drop of transparent wax fallen on a paper with micro-printing.
Amazing. Awesome.

For more dope head to:

Hats off to these dudes at MIT. The website says: Ramesh Raska, Ankit Mohan (lead), Grace Woo, Shinsaku Hiura, Quinn Smithwick. And guess what? the work was supported by grants from Nokia, Samsung, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. So, you see where this is heading :)

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